Disgusting Places that NEVER Get Cleaned in the Office, According to an Overland Park Office Cleaning Service

Places that NEVER Get Cleaned in the Office, According to an Overland Park Office Cleaning Service —If you work in a smaller office, you might think that tasks are getting done and things are getting done. However, our Overland Park office cleaning service is here to tell you that many times things are getting missed. Areas are actually probably entirely forgotten, probably so much so that you don’t even notice until the day you move to a different space.
There are plenty of places people forget. However, thanks to janitorial services in Overland Park, we are great at giving a few reminders. Here are a few places your office might not think about cleaning:
Overland Park Office Cleaning Service: The Dishwasher
What? So your job is to tackle the full sink of dishes? You just put all that stuff right in the office dishwasher and move on right? No! It turns out that after a while without proper rinsing your dishwasher begins to have a certain aroma. Ew. There’s usually a little mesh part with a drain that collects bits of food – and that can fill up with all kinds of stuff over time. Give it some attention and run a self-clean cycle once in a while.
Overland Park Office Cleaning Service: Behind and Under Office Furniture
Hiring janitorial services in Overland Park for this task is ideal, but you really need to move things. Dust collects, and it is hard on electrical and office equipment. Office furniture creates a natural stop for dust, where airflow is restricted, and particles can settle.
It is vital to pay attention to the areas behind and under desks, filing cabinets, drawers, and office machines. These larger pieces don’t ever get moved, which can form dust traps over time. Out of sight usually means out of mind – but all that dust can be bad for air quality and your office equipment, so make sure you add these areas to your rotation or hire MC Janitorial to do it for you.
Overland Park Office Cleaning Service: Blinds
Blinds are one of the last things cleaned; this is for good reason. It is absolutely no fun to clean blinds, but dust build-up will happen. The most important thing is that they get regular dusting. If you do not regularly dust your blinds, there will be tons of work later. Or you could hire janitorial services in Overland Park. Blinds are part of their regular cleaning schedule. If you’re noticing that the blinds in your office are being left dusty (usually because nobody wants to clean them), be warned that this can lead to stickiness, requiring a much deeper cleaning in the long run.
Regular office cleanings ensure you never have to deal with any unsightly visitors.
Are You Ready to Hire MC Janitorial?
At MC Janitorial, we are a restaurant cleaning service in Kansas City offering premium Kansas City commercial cleaning services and striving to keep your retail space healthy and germ-free. We have a variety of cleaning options, including green cleaning services in Kansas City to keep your employees safe naturally. We also offer flexible scheduling to accommodate your business.
Call us today at (913) 488-9211 or visit our website to fill out a contact form for a free quote. We look forward to showing you how our services can benefit your company today!