Don’t Become Another Disinfectant Fogging Victim

It’s sad but many commercial janitorial companies and disaster recovery companies are using fear and the Coronavirus to charge outrageous amounts for disinfectant fogging services in schools, medical facilities, and workspaces. Now is the time to ensure healthy places. It’s not a time for price-gouging and profiteering.
Recently we were brought in by a client to provide disinfectant fogging for his half of a 100,000 square foot building. We charged just $500 for our 50,000 square feet. The tenant in the other half used another well-known company and paid $3,000.00. Yes, 600% more for the same amount of space. And we included the bathrooms and kitchen areas.
Providing cleaner and healthier workspaces is nothing new for MC Janitorial. Remember, we’re the ones who use ultraviolet MC Lights to check our work and train our employees on the right and wrong ways to disinfect a workspace. (Hint: using a disinfectant wipe and going doorknob to doorknob isn’t the right way.) Our processes exceed CDC Guidelines because our clients depend on us to provide better work environments for their employees, customers, and guests. And these days, a healthier environment can even provide a competitive advantage for our clients.
Don’t become another disinfectant fogging victim. The fog of confusion surrounding the Coronavirus is enough by itself. We want to make the choice to stay healthy as clear as possible.