Cleaning Your Office for The New Year with Help from A Lenexa Commercial Cleaning Service

With the holidays on the upswing, it’s time to start thinking about a good office cleaning to start the new year. Once January comes around, we usually have snow, dirt, ice melt, and other things tracked into the rugs and carpet of the office.
You might have remnants of holiday parties or holiday décor that has left its mark on the office. Once all that is put away, you are left with an office that is a bit dirty. This might be a good time to call a Lenexa commercial cleaning service to do a deep clean to kick off the new year.
Here are a few tips you can do today to start the process:
Create an Organizational System for All Your Paperwork and File It Away
So many people use their desk as a paper sorter, with various stacks all over their desk. This can be a huge magnet for dust and crumbs to accumulate. If your coworkers stack papers regularly, have them try out a filing system and stick to it for a while. They will likely find that their paperwork is much easier to locate, and it keeps their workflow more organized.
This also helps the Lenexa janitorial services that you hired. They will now be able to thoroughly wipe down and sanitize your desk without messing up papers. It also allows for a more thorough clean.
Get Rid of Things Like Books, Journals, and Paperwork That You No Longer Need
We all do it; we hang onto something because we might get to it someday. The truth is, if you haven’t read it yet, you probably won’t get to it. Consider keeping a list in your phone of all the books or articles you want to get to someday and get rid of the paper copy until then. As a leader in Lenexa janitorial services MC Janitorial suggests donating those old books or giving them to someone else who has the time to read them right now.
Old Office Supplies That No Longer Serve a Purpose
Remember that old pen you got for free but never use? Or how about the file cabinet that doesn’t work for what you need? Get rid of all those extra things you don’t need. If you feel guilty, consider donating them to a charity that can repurpose them and make use out of them. Clutter that doesn’t serve a purpose not only makes it more difficult to work, but it creates more clutter for the people who provide your janitorial services in Lenexa.
At MC Janitorial, we’ve been setting higher standards for workspaces for over 35 years. Not only do we offer commercial cleaning services in Lenexa and the surrounding areas, but we offer medical office cleaning in Lenexaand commercial property cleaning services in Lenexa. Our staff is versatile, flexible with their schedule and able to deliver a superior clean far above our competitors.
Give us a call at (913) 488-9211 or visit our website to fill out a contact form. We look forward to working with you!